Merry Christmas 2003

Merry Christmas!! I hope you are all well and that you have all had as good a year as we have had.  We have been very busy again this year, and I apologize (again) to any of you that we were not able to see this year.  We are still living on the Lake - South of Camrose - and loving it.  It's hard to believe we have been here nine years...  

I hope you enjoy this letter/webpage.  I always enjoy looking through our old photo's and remembering what we did throughout the year.  We had a lot of fun, visited with many of our friends and relatives.  Sorry in advance to those who didn't make the cut.  Not enough space in this web page for everything, and we didn't take our camera everywhere...

The message may be rather short this year, as I tried to recruit Laura and Spencer to write their parts, but they declined.  I warned them that it they didn't write it, they don't have editing rights, so what you are reading is my version of their lives this past year!

Just click on the buttons below to follow the links and find out what we are doing.  


Merry Christmas from Louise, Laura, Ted and Spencer


Spencer  Laura Louise Ted Other Stuff Back to our Home Page