Merry Christmas

Family Day 2000
We had a great time again on Family Day.  Brian &  Paulette came down for a few days, with the kids and the dogs.  Too bad Micky, Darcy, Kit, and Annie couldn't make it; but  Mom & Dad, and Patty & Ross made it out.  We're looking forward to trying it again in 2001.  

Fallon, Spencer, Brian, and Devon

Grandpa and Grandma

Summer Holiday    
We had a great holiday again this year at Nitinat Lake on Vancouver Island, visiting many friends as well as making new ones.  Thanks to the Carlisle's for putting us up on the way down, and Liam and Cathy for the "Air Show Weekend" on the way back.  We had lots of fun and did lots of windsurfing, in spite of 600mm of rain over three days in the middle.  I guess that's why they call it a RAIN forest.  There didn't seem to be many kids of Laura & Spencer's age at first,  but after the first week, they had lots of friends.  As always, we gained many new friends like Mark, Toni, Jonathon, Owen, Dennis, Joan, Katie, Nicole, Paul, Joanne, Wendy, Nick, Chloe, Aiden, Timo, Dana, Kit, Jonah, Bryn, Ian, Sheila, Jessica.... and many others.  Sorry if I have missed you or mis-spelled your name.   I have included a couple of pictures here, but there are more on our web page at http://lighting.prohosting/~iamted/holiday00.

Spencer, Laura, and

Caitlyn & Jennifer Carlisle

The Cast!!!

Toni, Owen, Johnathon, and Spencer

Other Stuff!

Carmen's 60'th Birthday

Paulette, Laurel, and Carmen

A visit from Belhumeur's and Convey's

Relaxing with Neighbours Ron and Viv

Louise with Marc's new son Carter Joseph

10/23/2000 3:00am 7lb 12oz

Congratulations Marc and Tina!!!

Spencer  Laura Louise Ted Other Stuff

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