Merry Christmas



During the Winter & Spring of 2001, I spent a lot of time crafting.  I took a few more painting classes . . . and taught several stamp classes.  Lots of fun! 

I believe this past year was the driest we’d had in 120 years – not pretty.  The only benefit was that we had nice weather for the lake during the summer.  We’re hoping for lots of snow this winter.

With the ending of the school year it was time to think ‘Summer Holidays’ – off we went to Nitinat Lake for our annual adventure.   Although we have many great friends at Nitinat who make our holiday so special . . . my favorite parts of our holiday are the “stops along the way” -- Scott & Carolyn’s on the way there . . . and then Glen’s and Red Deer on the way home.  The first time I felt warm enough to wear shorts on our 3-week holiday was in Red Deer.

Louise sailing at Nitinat!

We were home for a couple of weeks and then I was back to work (at the school) with a lot of extra hours.  Just after  that, Olena & Kate arrived for 3 months.

This fall was a bit of a blur – working, parent-council, coaching indoor-soccer.  No time for crafts!  Right now we’re waiting to see if the Teachers will go on strike.  Things have not been dull.  

Merry Christmas to all – and let’s hope for a healthy and happy New Year!


Spencer, Mom, and Laura Skating


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