Laura and Frances

Canmore Trip - Frances and Laura

2021 was a busy year for both Laura and Frances.

Laura began a Business Admin diploma at SAIT and was in full-time classes from January thru August.

Frances' job with Springboard performance had ended just before Christmas but she found two new jobs in the New Year with Frilly Lilly and Go Clean Co. In the Spring, Frances was laid off from both jobs when there was another Covid shutdown - after which she returned to her job at Frilly Lilly and was rehired with Springboard Performance. As part of her work with Springboard, Frances helped to coordinate many outdoor events at ContainR throughout the summer and fall.

Laura and Frances were excited to be able to see their families over the summer - hopefully next year they will be slightly less busy and able to make more than one trip each.

In September Frances stage managed a show called Wandering with Wonder - an immersive outdoor musical storytelling experience which included puppets, dance, a choir, and many musicians. In October Frances was production coordinator of Fluid Fest - Springboard Performance's annual movement festival. In November, Frances moved to Rosebud to stage manage the Rosebud Theatre production of A Christmas Carol.

Girls weekend with Mom/Louise

Lake day with sisters!

Laura was able to find a "Non-Retail", accounting-related work experience job during her term off from school - which was a huge relief. She is looking forward to returning to SAIT in January.

Frances will move back to Calgary on December 24 and then begin rehearsals as an apprentice stage manager for Vertigo Theatre's production of Cipher on December 27

They are both grateful that Ted, Louise, and Spencer will be able to join them for Christmas in Calgary as they do not have time to make a trip themselves.

Merry Christmas!

Anniversary Picnic

Summer Date

Esker Foundation

Latte Art

Laura and Frances bought a new Car

A Toyota C-HR


Zoo Lights

Wandering with Wonder | Chris Malloy Photography

Frances and Laura

Laura and Frances visiting family

Laura Wakesurfing

Laura snowboarding at Lake Louise with Spencer, Louise and Ted

Rotary Foundation Kiva - loans that change lives Suport Wiki Media Foundation
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