Ted's Photos

Friends and Family Las Brisas, Huatulco Visiting Pierre and Lynn
Biking in Italy Cuba Ted's best photos

As you likely know, I enjoy taking photos - and I take a lot of photos. While my fabourite subjects are usually the kids and their firends wakes surfing behind my boat, my Windsurf buddies on the water, or more recently Radio Control Aircraft at various Fun Fly's, I have also started taking photos of birds. With a bird feeder on our deck, they present lots of opportunities. Here are a few of my favourite photos from 2019.

Danial, performing in the Adams Family at Las Brisas Hautulco

Super Moon at Las Brisas Hautulco

Laura Wake Surfing

Mom's 92nd Birthday

Chloe, our neighbours dog with Louise Wakesurfing

My friend Jim and his daughter (also my friend) Cynthia

A dragon fly on my antenna in Oregon

Ross Jumping his kiteboard, without footstraps!

Low level areobatics!

Alberta's Littlest Airport Corn Roast Weekend

Model Spitfire

Woodpecker at our deck feeder

Humming Bird at our deck feeder

Humming Birds fighting over our deck feeder, even though there are four places to get the sugar water

Juvenile Bawld Eagle - probably 2 or 3 years old, on a tree in our front yeard by the lake

Blue Jay at our deck feeder


Louise's best photo of the year... a blue bird in our front yard.

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